Friday, 12 November 2010


Having just seen one of our beer labels for sale on ebay for the second time has caused me to reflect on collectors.  We receive quite a few requests from people claiming to be collectors.  The UK ones sometimes enclose a self adressed envelope but a massive number come in by email - usually from Russia or Ukraine.  We sometimes send out unused bottle labels if a SAE is enclosed but does irritate wnen a plausible letter from a clergyman or market researcher turns out to be from a trader wanting to make a quid by flogging them on ebay. And then I wonder why be irritated?  It doesn't cost us anything.  I suppose it's because of the duplicitous nature of the letters. If someone said that they were a trader trying to flog stuff on ebay I probably wouldn't send anything.    Maybe  we should try and flog our own labels on ebay - might be more profitable than flogging beer!

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